Phone: +972-522327395

Fax: +972-89278196

office: +972- 86789242


Academic position:

Head of the Criminology department


Field of expertise:

Prisoner's rehabilitation
Domestic Violence
Cultural Criminology 

Research in progress:

  1. Recidivism rates among Ex prisoners who took part in Occupational collaboration with David Weisburd, Dr. Badi Heseisi.
  2. Re entry of female ex prisoners into the Society. in collaboration with Dr. Rotem Efod
  3. Survey of needs and obstacles among ex prisoners in Israel and New-York. in collaboration with Prof. Lior Gidion, John Jay College, New York. 

Major publications:

  1.  Shoham, E. Zelig, A. Hasisi, B., Weisburd, D., Haviv, N., & Zelig, A (forthcoming). The "therapeutic model" behind prison based rehabilitation program for domestic violence prisoners. Israeli Criminology, 8.
  2. Efodi, R. Shoham, E. Adamtzuk, A (2018). Occupational integration among female ex-prisoners on parole. Glimpse to prison, 19, 52-67. 7.
  3. Peled-Laskov, R. Shoham, E., & Kuzacaro, L. (2018). Occupational integration and recidivism among ex-prisoners on parole. Glimpse to Prison, 19, 32-51.
  4. Hasisi, B. Weisburd, D. Shoham, E. Haviv, N., & Zelig, A. (2017). The Rock of Sisyphus-rehabilitation program for addicted prisoners in the Israeli prison. Megamot, 42, 259-300 .
  5. Shoham, E., Zelig, A. Hasisi, B. Weisburd, D., & Haviv, N. (2017). The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: Prison staff perceptions of domestic violence rehabilitation programs. International Journal of offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 62, 3299-3321.
  6. Shoham, E., Zelig, A. Hasisi, B. Weisburd, D., & Haviv, N. (2017). The "black box" behind prison-based vocational training programs. European Scientific Journal. 16, 44-55.
  7. Hasisi, B., Weisburd, D., Shoham, E. Aviv, G. & Haviv, N. (2017). Reinforcing the impacts of work release on prisoner recidivism: The importance of integrative interventions. Journal of Experimental Criminology ,13, 241-264.
  8. Yehosha,S. & Shoham.E. (2016). False Confessions: Psychological Aspects in the Work  of a Police Interrogator in Israel. International Journal of scientific Research. 5(1), 372-382.
  9. Shoham, E.(2016). Perception among Israeli talkbackers regarding female violence. Advances in social sciences research. 3(2), 116-131.
  10. Hasisi, B , Shoham, E. & Weisburd, D (2016). The “Care Package,” Prison Domestic Violence Programs and Recidivism: The House of Hope. Journal of experimental criminology


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