Phone: 050-5997179
Fax: 09-7968201
Office: 08-6789273


Academic position:
Senior lecturer

Field of expertise:
Emotion, Neurobehavioral development, Affective neuroscience, EEG, Iron deficiency, emotional word processing

Researches in progress:

1. E-millim: Affective norms for Hebrew Words. Funder: Ashkelon Academic College
2. Processing emotional Hebrew words –influences of abstract vs. concrete words. Funder: Ashkelon Academic College
3. Emotional stimuli evaluation and global-local cognitive processing. Funder: Ashkelon Academic College
4. The reciprocity between lexical processing and reading comprehension in monolingual and bilingual learners of English for academic purposes. Funder: Ashkelon Academic College

Major Publications:

1. Armony-Sivan, R., Eidelman, A.I., Lanir, A., Sredni, D., and Yehuda, S. Iron status and neurobehaviora development of premature infants. (2004). Journal of Perinatology, 24, 757-762. doi:10.1038/
2. Burden, M.J., Westerlund, A.J., Armony-Sivan, R., Nelson, C.A., Jacobson, S.W., Lozoff, B., et al. (2007). An event-related potential study of attention and recognition memory in infants with iron deficiency anemia. Pediatrics. 120, e336-e345. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-2525.
3. Lozoff, B., Clark, K.M., Jing, Y., Armony-Sivan, R., Angelilli, M.L., & Jacobson, S.W. (2008). Dose-response relationships between iron deficiency with or without anemia and infant social-emotional behavior. Journal of Pediatrics, 152, 696-702. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2007.09.048.
4. Lozoff, B., Armony-Sivan, R., Kaciroti, N., Yuezhou, J., Golub, M., & Jacobson, S.W. (2010). Eye-blinking rates are slower in infants with iron-deficiency anemia than in nonanemic iron-deficient or iron sufficient infants. Journal of Nutrition, 140, 1057-1061. doi:10.3945/jn.110.120964.
5. Armony-Sivan, R., Kaplan-Estrin, M., Jacobson S.W., & Lozoff, B. (2010). Iron-deficiency anemia in infancy and mother-infant interaction during feeding. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 31, 326-332. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e3181dc525d.
6. Carter, R.C., Jacobson, J.L., Burden, M.J., Armony-Sivan, R., Dodge, N.C., Angelilli, M.L., Lozoff, B., & Jacobson, S.W. (2010). Iron deficiency anemia and cognitive function in infancy. Pediatrics, 126, e427-e434. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-2097.
7. Armony-Sivan, R., Shao, J., Li, M., Zhao, G., Zhao, Z., Xu, G., Zhou, M., Zhan, J., Bian, Y., Ji, C., Li, X., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Z., Richards, B.J., Tardif, T., & Lozoff, B. (2012). No relationship between maternal iron status and postpartum depression in two samples in China. Journal of Pregnancy, 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/521431.
8. Armony-Sivan, R., Aviner, S., Cojocaru, L., Fytlovitch, S., Ben-Alon, D., Eliassy, A., Babkoff, H., Lozoff, B., & Anteby, E. (2013). Prenatal maternal stress predicts lower cord-blood ferritin concentration. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 41, 259-65. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2012-0125.
9. Leshem, R., Arzouan, Y., & Armony-Sivan, R. (2015). The effects of sad prosody on hemispheric specialization for words processing. Brain and Cognition, 96, 28-37. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2015.03.002.
10. Armony‐Sivan, R., Zhu, B., Clark, K. M., Richards, B., Ji, C., Kaciroti, N., Shao, J., & Lozoff, B. (2016). Iron deficiency (ID) at both birth and 9 months predicts right frontal EEG asymmetry in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 462-70. doi: 10.1002/dev.21388
11. Armony-Sivan, R., Cojocaru, L., & Babkoff, H. (2017). The effects of emotional valence and arousal on lexical decision of abstract Hebrew words. Megamot, 52, 133-152 (Hebrew). 

12. Zukerman, G., Ben-Itchak, E., Fostick, L., & Armony-Sivan, R. (2017). Information processing of the Rorschach's traumatic content index in trauma-exposed adults: An event related potential (ERP) study. Biological Psychology, 127, 108-122. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.05.002


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