Master’s Degree in Social Work (M.S.W.)
The Faculty of Social Work » Master’s Degree in Social Work (M.S.W.)Curriculum Objectives
The curriculum expands social workers’ theoretical, empiric and practical knowledge while providing a broad and critical perspective on the needs of the individual, the family, the community, society, and social services. The focus is placed on enhancing the level of professionalism by developing care skills and a broader, deeper understanding of the types of social and personal problems that a social worker is likely to encounter.
This curriculum expands general professional knowledge and provides students with advanced interventional capabilities. It aims to promote skilled social workers, provide them with senior status, and train them to drive and activate processes to serve challenging and diverse populations.
The syllabus comprises three compulsory units: seminar and practicum, skills enrichment, elderly individuals and their families; and diverse electives. As part of their studies, students must work (paid or voluntary) as social workers in recognized organizations at least half a day per week: during the first year, in the field of the elderly; and during the second year, in general care.
Additionally, students must participate in practicum and produce a seminar paper, one in the field of elderly issues and the other in advanced care. Both are based on materials surfacing in the field.
Points of interest
Leading lecturers and researchers
A unique field focusing on the diverse stages of the life cycle, with focus on the elderly
Systemic perspective
Systemic perspective geared to qualify graduates for senior roles in public, community and individual services